Uncategorized 23 Apr 2019 Meet the Partner Series: Tracy DuCharme At WingSpan Business Investments, we pride ourselves in working with forward thinking companies with a desire to make a difference in our communities. lucas
Uncategorized 19 Feb 2019 The Economic Benefits of Business Aviation, Part III Each year, the corporate website ChiefExecutive.net ranks all 50 states by the cost of doing business. lucas
Uncategorized 04 Feb 2019 The Economic Benefits of Business Aviation, Part II In 2016, the City of Chandler, Arizona, contracted with the planning firm Kimley-Horn and Arizona State University W.P. Carey School of Business to perform an economic development analysis on its… lucas
Uncategorized 22 Jan 2019 Traditions Shared by Pilots One of the cool things about the aviation community are the handful of traditions that have been passed down through the years. lucas